Building Connectivity Redefined: The Integrated Communications Network

In the digital age, connectivity is the lifeblood of modern buildings. The Integrated Communications Network (ICN) serves as the foundation for seamlessly connecting and controlling a myriad of devices within a building. This innovative solution combines passive structured cabling with active networking hardware to create a unified, secure communications network that powers connected devices in today's buildings.

emeseye specialize in delivering cutting-edge ICN solutions and proudly serve as your trusted Master Systems Integrator.

The Benefits of an Integrated Communications Network (ICN):

  • Unified Device Communication

  • Scalability and Flexibility

  • Cost-Efficient Management:

  • Enhanced Security

Contact us today to explore how we can transform your building into a connected, efficient, and secure space through the power of an Integrated Communications Network.

Design and Consultation Services

The initial design of an Integrated Communications Network (ICN) is a crucial step in ensuring seamless connectivity in your building. Our design and consultation services set the foundation for an effective ICN by providing:

  • Initial Design

    We create the blueprint for your ICN, integrating both passive structured cabling and active network hardware to meet your specific needs and objectives.

  • Detailed Design Specifications

    We go beyond the initial design, offering detailed design specifications and tender documentation to guide the implementation of your ICN effectively.

Project Management

Effective project management is essential to prioritize and oversee the successful implementation of your Integrated Communications Network (ICN). Our project management services include:

  • Ongoing Management:

    We ensure that your ICN is prioritized during the construction of your building. Since all building services rely on this network, it's essential to complete and commission the ICN as the first service (apart from power) in the building.

Integrated Systems Testing

Integrated Systems Testing is a critical phase of deploying an Integrated Communications Network (ICN). This process ensures seamless communication between building services over the network and includes:

  • Thorough Testing:

    We follow a meticulous process to guarantee that there are no issues with building services communicating over the ICN. We document proof of communication to ensure everything functions smoothly.

  • Cybersecurity Assurance:

    In addition to communication, we ensure that the cybersecurity element of your ICN is delivered. Each port in the building is locked down to a specific IP and MAC address, ensuring robust protection against cyber threats.

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