Mastering Integration,

Transforming Buildings.

Elevate your building's potential with emeseye – Your Trusted Master Systems Integrator (MSI).

Seamlessly connect, integrate and control your building with our expertise with integrated building systems.

Contact us today to embark on a journey where your building becomes an intelligent, efficient, and future-ready space under the expert guidance of our Master Systems Integrators at emeseye.

The role of the Master Systems Integrator (MSI)

our services

  • concept

    smart building strategic planning

  • consult

    technology consultants for new & existing buildings

  • design

    Integrated Communication Networks &
    Integration Platforms

  • deliver

    end to end delivery, project management & integrated systems testing of ICN & IBP

 our process

our approach is underpinned by a continuous engagement cycle. our involvement begins long before a building is constructed to develop strategy & involvement continues throughout the building’s entire life, long past construction & commissioning. This continuous engagement is based upon a 4-pillar strategy, the 4 pillars being Communicate, Collaborate, Integrate & Innovate.

we are independent technology experts with skills, experience & expertise that extends beyond just OT & into IT to support all the technology that allows connected devices to communicate openly & in harmony with one another in an intelligent building.